This module provides BEP enrollees with tips and suggestions for vending machine and storage organization. It also explains how a positive relationship with distributors and consumers can enhance a business. Finally, it describes marketing strategies and technical advancements that can assist in product sales and bookkeeping. Module: BEP-112/117; Media: OL; Lessons: 1; Credit: None; Tuition: $500 (when not taken as part of BEPLT program)
Module Description
The goal of this module is to provide BEP participants with information on how to maintain, organize, and distribute goods in a vending business. To run a successful business, it is important to know how to store and present products in ways that maximize consumer satisfaction. It gives suggestions on how to organize storage, build relationships with distributors, handle pricing and purchasing issues, and market products. The module ends with a brief overview of the new technology and tools in the vending business. Becoming familiar with all of the aspects of vending management will help program participants manage their facility effectively.
One module
One assignment; 25 multiple-choice questions, computer graded
letter grades (A–F)
Objectives and Content
After completing this module, you will be able to:
a. explain how vending machines have evolved
b. discuss how organization skills are essential to your vending business
c. explain the importance of maintaining good relationships with distributors
d. discuss ways to track profits and inventory
e. list marketing strategies to promote your vending business
f. describe how new technology and laws will affect your business