This module informs BEP enrollees on the importance of sales projections for budgeting purposes. It lists various ways to build sales through promotions, catering, and marketing. It also discusses the value of assessing your competition. Module: BEP-142/147; Media: OL; Lessons: 1; Credit: None; Tuition: $500 (when not taken as part of BEPLT program)
Module Description
The goal of this module is to educate BEP participants on the importance of sales projections for budgeting purposes. It lists various ways to build sales through promotions, catering, and marketing. It outlines ways to build sales both inside and outside a location. Finally, it presents how assessing your competition can keep you ahead of trends and help build sales.
One module
One assignment ; 25 multiple-choice questions, computer graded
letter grades (A–F)
Objectives and Content
After completing this module, you will be able to:
a. explain how sales projections affect your business
b. describe the various ways you can build sales at your location
c. list marketing strategies that can be used in and outside of your facility
d. explain how assessing your competition can help you build sales