This module educates BEP enrollees on creating staffing schedules and tracking sales data, as well as employee training and compensation. Additionally, this module examines cost of goods management, and how food distributors and food handling affect quality and profitability. Module: BEP-162/167; Media: OL; Lessons: 1; Credit: None; Tuition: $500 (when not taken as part of the BEPLT program)
Module Description
The goal of this module is to provide instruction on important aspects of labor and cost of goods management. It provides detailed information on creating schedules and tracking sales data. It discusses employee training and compensation. Finally, it examines cost of goods management, and explains how food distributors and food handling affect quality and profitability.
One module
One assignment; 25 multiple-choice questions, computer graded
letter grades (A–F)
Objectives and Content
After completing this module, you will be able to:
a. explain how efficient scheduling, as well as accurate sales tracking and projection affect labor management during peak and non-peak times
b. describe how giving feedback to employees can improve labor
c. describe the various aspects of cost of goods management
d. explain how food distributors and food handling affect quality and profitability