This describes the basics of running a Micro Market, the different ways to set up Micro Markets, and the use of systems to support data management and inventory control. Finally, the module wraps up with a few more pointers to help learners plan ahead for a successful Micro Market experience. Module: BEP-182/187; Media: OL; Lessons: 1; Credit: None; Tuition: $500 (when not taken as part of the BEPLT program)
Module Description
This module describes the basics of running a Micro Market, the different ways to set up Micro Markets, and the use of systems to support data management and inventory control. Finally, the module wraps up with a few more pointers to help you plan ahead for a successful Micro Market experience.
One module
One assignment; 25 multiple-choice questions, computer graded
letter grades (A-F)
Objectives and Content
After completing this module, you will be able to:
a. apply the Randolph-Sheppard Act and its regulations to the Micro Market context
b. identify factors that affect the success of a location
c. describe various configurations of Micro Market
d. select products for a successful Micro Market
e. plan for maintenance of a Micro Market
f. plan for stocking of Micro Market products
g. plan for serving various Micro Market products
h. identify factors for point-of-sale consideration: payment, refunds, and data tracking
i. use surveys to determine what patrons want to buy
j. create security plans for a Micro Market